¿Cómo se dice en español to take care? Aprende verbos relacionados con el amor en inglés y su traducción al español.
To admit | Admitir, reconocer |
To adopt | Adoptar |
To agree | Acordar, estar de acuerdo |
To apologise | Pedir disculpas, disculparse |
To argue | Discutir |
To avoid | Evitar |
To bemoan | Lamentar |
To blame | Culpar |
To be afraid | Tener miedo |
To be careful | Tener cuidado |
To be in love | Estar enamorado |
To beat off | Rechazar |
To beg | Rogar, suplicar |
To believe | Creer |
To betray | Traicionar |
To blame | Culpar |
To break up | Romper |
To call | Llamar |
To change | Cambiar |
To chat | Charlar, conversar |
To cheat | Engañar, mentir |
To cheer up | Animar |
To choose | Elegir, escoger |
To come clean | Sincerarse |
To complicate | Complicar |
To control | Controlar |
To converse | Conversar, hablar |
To convince | Convencer |
To cry | Llorar |
To cuddle | Abrazar |
To dance | Bailar |
To date | Salir con alguien |
To decide | Decidir |
To defend | Defender |
To ditch | Abandonar |
To disappoint | Decepcionar |
To discuss | Discutir |
To distrust | Desconfiar |
To divorce | Divorciarse |
To doubt | Dudar |
To dump | Dejar |
To embarrass | Avergonzar |
To encourage | Animar, apoyar |
To engage | Comprometerse |
To fall in love | Enamorarse |
To fight | Pelearse |
To find | Encontrar |
To flirt | Flirtear, coquetear |
To forget | Olvidar |
To forgive | Perdonar |
To freak out | Perder los papeles, perder el control |
To get married | Casarse |
To give | Regalar |
To give up | Rendirse, renunciar, abandonar |
To go | Ir |
To go back | Volver, regresar |
To grin | Sonreír |
To hate | Odiar |
To have fun | Pasarlo bien, divertirse, disfrutar |
To hug | Abrazar |
To hurdle | Superar |
To hurt | Dañar, sufrir |
To ignore | Ignorar, dejar de lado |
To imagine | Imaginar, imaginarse, suponer |
To insult | Insultar |
To introduce | Presentar |
To kid | Bromear |
To kiss | Besar |
To laugh | Reír |
To leave | Irse, marcharse |
To lie | Mentir |
To like | Gustar |
To listen | Escuchar, prestar atención |
To live together | Vivir juntos, convivir |
To love | Amar, querer |
To marry | Casarse |
To meet | Conocer |
To miss | Echar de menos |
To move | Mudarse |
To need | Necesitar |
To nickname | Apodar |
To pay attention | Prestar atención |
To plan | Planificar |
To pretend | Pretender, fingir |
To progress | Progresar, avanzar |
To promise | Prometer |
To propose | Pedir matrimonio |
To regret | Lamentar, arrepentirse |
To respect | Respetar |
To send | Enviar |
To shame | Avergonzar |
To share | Compartir |
To shout | Gritar |
To shush | Hacer callar |
To take care | Cuidar |
To talk | Hablar |
To tell the truth | Decir la verdad |
To think | Pensar |
To trust | Confiar |
To try | Intentar |
To understand | Entender, comprender |
To wait | Esperar |
To walk away | Alejarse |
To want | Querer |
To worry | Preocuparse |
To write | Escribir |
To yell | Gritar |